Integrative Counsellor: Mark Childs

Life rarely follows the straightforward path we had hoped it would, and we can find ourselves in places we don’t recognise or discover that the path ahead delivers unexpected changes or challenges. These changes can often result in mixed feelings, some welcome and some hard to accept. Counselling can offer a space to come to terms with these changes and cope with the transitional stage we find ourselves in.Mark Childs

I am able to work through your existential or spiritual concerns, help you to understand previous events and difficulties from your life, or work towards a future goal. In order to do this, I draw from a variety of approaches and creative techniques to work as an integrative counsellor and this helps me to best meet the specific needs of the person I am working with. However, I believe that the therapeutic journey is a collaborative one. Therefore, in order to honour the uniqueness and autonomy of the client, I would aim to approach any difficulties and obstacles in a mutual, collaborative and interpersonal way. Using this approach allows me to respond to the person I am sitting with rather than applying a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to suit everyone.

Nonetheless, although I believe that creating a relationship this way between counsellor and client is central to creating a safe, trusting and supportive space for personal exploration, please rest assured that you will always be placed at the centre of the work.

The therapeutic work can be open-ended or run through a fixed number of sessions, depending on your preference. Initially, the first session will be about exploring what has brought you to counselling and your current situation. Following this, sessions act as a way for me to get to know you and your story more deeply, creating the base from which the therapeutic journey progresses. Should this strike a chord with you, I would be happy to meet with you to review your individual needs about what you would like to gain from coming to therapy.


Sessions last for 50 minutes and cost £60.



I can also be found on Instagram under: markchildscounselling

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